You come out of your interview and you know you did great. You nailed all the answers to the questions. But a few weeks later, you find out that you didn’t get the job. You don’t know how that happened.
When interviewing for a Texas teachers position, administrators aren’t just looking for answers to those interview questions, they are looking for the best answers to those questions. They want answers that show them that you are prepared and understand what your purpose is as a teacher.
There are some very specific things that you need to be aware of to ace your interview and improve your interview success rate.
Here are five tips to land your first teaching job:
This should go without saying, but nothing will stand in the way of you landing your dream job more than being unprepared for your interviews. Preparation is the key. There are several steps that you can take prior to meeting with a principal or administrator for a sit down, including:
Expect that your first interview will be a practice run, then use that experience to prepare for the next one. Build a case for your candidacy every step of the way, from the online application process through your demonstration of content mastery and management skills during the interview. You will stand a much greater chance of landing that dream position that you are looking for.
Want more tips on how to ace your interview? Check out our article, Consider This Before You Interview For A Teaching Position.
I knew a high school administrator who used to start every interview with the same question:
What do you teach?
Most secondary teachers are subject specific, so they would give the obvious answer, such as "I teach Math" or "I teach English.”
The correct answer?
If you are called to teach, then you should be prepared to teach students, not content. As a matter of fact, there is a long list of things that you need to check off before you can effectively address content, including:
In other words, until you focus on the student, they won't focus on the content. Until a principal knows that you understand this concept, your knowledge of the content is irrelevant to them.
Here is an example of a teacher that has a great understanding of this concept.
Do you think his kids are ready to learn from him?
Knowing your content is great, but knowing how to teach your content is even better.
Principals aren’t just looking for subject matter experts—they want to hire educators who can engage students, spark curiosity, and adapt to diverse learning needs.
That’s why you need to come prepared with a well-thought-out, creative lesson idea. Imagine being asked in an interview, “Describe your most creative lesson plan.” Would you be ready?
Here’s how to get ready:
When you walk into an interview with a standout lesson plan, you’re not just showing that you know the material—you’re showing that you know how to make it come alive for your students. That’s the kind of teacher principals are eager to hire.
One of the quickest ways to lose a teaching job—or fail to land one—is to demonstrate poor classroom management skills. Teaching isn’t just
The truth is, administrators don’t have time to manage your classroom for you. If you rely on sending misbehaving students to the office as your first response, you might want to reconsider teaching as a career.
So, how do you prepare to showcase strong classroom management skills?
Need a starting point?
Before you step into an interview, make sure you’re well-versed in these concepts. Two excellent resources to help you prepare are The First Days of School by Harry Wong and The Classroom Management Book by Harry and Rosemary Wong. These books provide practical insights and strategies to help you build a well-managed classroom.
Once you’ve absorbed these lessons, you’ll either feel more confident about your ability to manage a classroom—or you’ll realize teaching might not be the right fit for you. Either way, you’ll walk into your next interview prepared to demonstrate the leadership and management skills that administrators are looking for.
While classroom management tends to be the biggest issue for new teachers, a close second would be simple employee performance and attitude outside the classroom.
Principals do not want to play mediator all the time.
They want employees with a desire to please that do not bring drama into the mix. You need to turn things in on time, communicate in a timely and effective manner, and be willing to help your teammates.
Find a way to demonstrate this during your interview.
Ask the interviewer what their expectations are. This shows them you want to be a team player and open to do things their way.
Follow these five tips and you will be well on your way to landing your first job as a Texas teacher.
Remember, you don’t have to do this alone. A great Texas alternative certification program will not only prepare you to ace your interview and get the job, but be ready when you step in the classroom.