
Why Being A Teacher Is So Important

News, Ideas, Job Postings About Teaching

Retirement Careers: 8 Questions To Ask Before You Work Again

Posted by Micah Fikes on March 7, 2024

Retirement often marks the beginning of a new chapter in life. Yet for many individuals, the allure of retirement doesn't entirely eclipse the desire to remain engaged in meaningful work or to contribute to their communities in a different capacity. 

6 Teacher Transferable Skills You May Already Have In Your Current Job

Posted by Micah Fikes on December 19, 2023

Considering a career shift to education but uncertain if your current skills align? The good news is that many of the abilities you’ve honed in your present job might seamlessly translate into a teaching role. 

10 Jobs For Retired Military Officers

Posted by Micah Fikes on November 27, 2023

The average age that an active duty member of the military retires is 42 years old, with military officers retiring at the average age of 46.

6 Steps For Getting A Teaching Certificate In Texas

Posted by Micah Fikes on November 7, 2023

If it’s your dream to be an educator and work with youths, your teaching certificate could be just a few steps away.

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